Here is a link to the PowerPoint presentation. Here is the video:
Understanding Mormon Disbelief Survey – March 2012 Results and Analysis
Click here for the full report. Description below. This survey represents the first in a series that will explore the beliefs and practices of current and former Mormons (members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). We recognize…
Seeking contributors to new podcast dealing with loss of LDS faith
We are developing a new podcast and are looking for people who have lost their faith in the LDS Church (at least in part) over one of the following issues, and who are willing to discuss their loss of faith…
UVU Mormonism and the Internet: John Dehlin, Scott Gordon (FAIR) and Rosemary Avance
As part of the March 2012 “Mormonism and the Internet” conference held at Utah Valley University, John Dehlin, Scott Gordon (of the Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research or FAIR) and Rosemary Avance discuss LDS disaffection and apologetics. John’s “Why…
Survey Results: A Preview of the Causes of Disbelief
and Costs of Mormon Faith Crises. In support of today’s article in the Salt Lake Tribune entitled, “Mormons tackling tough questions in their history,” we are releasing some initial results from our recent survey on LDS disbelief. The Open Stories…
Podcast: commentary on the survey.
LISTEN HERE to a discussion of the recent Open Stories Foundation Survey. Joining Mormon Matters host Dan Wotherspoon in reflecting on this current moment are podcast veterans, professor, blogger, and LDS commentator Joanna Brooks, professor and holder of the Leonard…